Symposium Schedule

Biosphere 2 Annual Symposium
January 21, 2023

Opportunities for Research, Education and Entrepreneurship at Biosphere 2: Finding Solutions for Resilience on Earth and Beyond

Preliminary Schedule

To Join virtually 

8:00: Registration and Coffee

8:45: Welcome, Joaquin Ruiz, Director Biosphere 2

8:50: Deborah Goldberg, Chair Biosphere 2 Science Advisory Board, University of Michigan 

Why Biosphere 2 is a unique and irreplaceable resource for the University of Arizona and the world

9:00: Plenary, Dr. Christiane Werner, Professor, University of Freiburg, Germany 

Why ecosystem scale experiments can deliver unique insights: lessons learned from the Biosphere 2 Water Air Life Dynamics (WALD) campaign

10:00: Break

10:30: Landscape Evolution Observatory (Scott Saleska, University of Arizona)

11:00: Biosphere 2 Ocean (Diane Thompson, University of Arizona)

11:30: Tropical Rain Forest Biome (Joost van Haren, University of Arizona)

12:00: Lunch and Poster Session

1:30: Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (Greg Barron-Gafford, University of Arizona)

2:00: Space Analog for the Moon and Mars (SAM) (Trent Tresch, University of Arizona)

2:30: Panel on Education Opportunities at Biosphere 2

3:30: Panel on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Biosphere 2

4:00: Reception and Poster Session

6:00: Close