
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

One of the most common houseplants, pothos is almost indestructible and very easy to grow. Native to southeastern Asia and Australia, it does well in a variety of environments. Your plant was produced from a cutting taken from a plant in Biosphere 2’s rainforest.

LIGHT: Pothos will do well in bright or low light. Full sun, however, may cause the leaves to pale. A plant with variegated leaves might lose the variegation (i.e. leaves will turn darker green) if it does not receive enough light. However, if you put it back in a place with more light, the variegation will probably return.

WATERING: Water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry. The plant does not like soggy roots.

SOIL: Any well-draining potting soil will be suitable for the plant.

FERTILIZING: Pothos can be fertilized every couple of months with a general houseplant fertilizer. It is not necessary to fertilize in the winter.

TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY: Pothos can tolerate down to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It prefers high humidity but can do well in low humidity also.

PRUNING: The plant can be trimmed back as desired to avoid sprawl. The plant can be propagated using stem cuttings.

REPOTTING: When the plant has filled up the pot with roots and does not appear to be growing anymore, it can be repotted in a slightly larger pot. Just remove it from the old pot and repot it in a new pot filled with new potting soil.

TOXICITY: Mildly poisonous if ingested